Testimonial 1
Geoff Whytcross worked for me at both Morgan & Banks and Talent2 for the last 20 years and was our Practice Manager for the Retail Industry. Geoff showed from his results that he not only had a good understanding of the functional requirements of the roles that he recruited for but by using his listening skills and the use of probing questions, he was able to gain a good understanding of the culture of the companies that he recruited for which resulted in more successful placements of key executives.
Geoff was able to develop long term relationships with both clients and candidates and often commenced working with candidates when they first moved into middle management and worked with them as both candidates and clients right through to the role of CEO. Geoff has shown a lot of loyalty to both myself as his employer and his candidates and clients, some of whom he has worked with for 25 years.
Not many Recruitment Consultants in Sydney have the depth of experience that Geoff has gained in his almost 30 years in the industry, in that time Geoff has interviewed approximately 20,000 candidates and in recent years has placed the CEO's of many of Australia's leading retailers.
I believe that Geoff will be able to use the experience that he has gained in the recruitment industry in his work as both an Executive Coach and a Career Coach. Geoff has good listening skills, the ability to ask probing questions and is not afraid to challenge people in the right context.
Talent2 International